Continuous Learning

Business Coaching Video: Personal Growth - Continuous Learning

The more you learn, the more you earn! Back in the olden days, you went to school, in many cases finishing at the end of the 10th grade, then got a job, that was often expected to last you until you retired. How rapidly the world has changed! Most people now don’t just have multiple…

Goal Setting

Business Coaching Video: Personal Growth - Goal Setting

Life is short and it’s precious. I’ve seen so many people passively drift along through life. Like they’re riding on a log that’s floating down a stream, being buffeted by the rocks, dunked by the rapids, getting stagnant in a backwater. But if you set goals then your log turns into a kayak. You’re still…

Indoor Training’s Revolution

It feels a little surreal to be writing an annual feature about a product that you currently can’t sell because, to the best of our knowledge, all wholesale stock in Australia has been sold out. With the onset of the Coronavirus, indoor trainers were right up there with toilet paper as one first things to…

How’s Business – May 2020

Welcome to my monthly chat with six bicycle shops during which I simply ask, ‘How’s business?’ There’s almost as much significance in what you’re not reading this month as what you are. Firstly, you may notice that for the first time this month I am not including a New Zealand bike shop. That’s because New…

Some Bike Retailers Reporting Sales Boom

At 99 Bikes in Bondi Junction, queues have been snaking out the door over the past few weeks. The queues are thanks in part to physical distancing rules, but it’s also because the COVID-19 lockdown has everyone going gaga for cycling as they look for new ways to get active or alternatives to public transport.…

Why Dealers Are Loving JetBlack’s New Volt

– Sponsored Content – JetBlack Cycling one of a very select group of Australian based companies that is successfully developing and selling their own world class products across the globe. You can read more about JetBlack’s inspiring story here. Of all the products JetBlack has created over the years, none has been as ambitious and…

Seven Wholesalers Share Their Personal Impacts of Covid-19

On Thursday 9th April we sent a six question survey out to a range of wholesalers throughout Australia. We stated up front that anything they wrote could be published and that we also required their personal and company name. This last requirement in particular may have deterred some from responding, so we’d particularly like to…

Launching Today! Our New YouTube Channel Aims to Help Your Business

A personal note from Phil Latz, Publisher of The Latz Report. Today I’m launching our new Latz Report YouTube Channel. Initially we’ll be posting a new video once per fortnight, which will possibly increase to weekly in future. If you’re looking for cute cats, funniest home videos or whatever else gets the most clicks on…

Eight Ways to Build the Bicycle Community During COVID-19

Create and share video content to help people get out and ride (e.g., how to change a flat; basic maintenance, keeping tires inflated, etc.) Host virtual happy hours to bring people who love bicycling together (Google hangouts, Skype, GoToMeeting, Zoom, etc.); consider a topic of the day Share a daily video featuring products and/or apparel…