European Cargo Bike Sales Growing at Over 50% Per Year

Results of a comprehensive European Union funded survey into the cargo bike industry’s sales suggest that sales across Europe are likely to increase by just over 50% this year. The ‘CityChangerCargoBike’ project undertook the inaugural study of 38 brands operating in the sector who provided anonymised data. Here is a summary of European cargo bike…

Australian Wholesalers Want Faster eBikes

A survey of 55 Australian wholesalers who sell ebikes found that 73% of them would like our legislation changed to increase the maximum speed of power assistance from the current 25kph to 32kph. Bicycle Industries Australia (BIA) conducted a three question survey of wholesalers. In answer to the first question as to what their preferred…

Heavy Duty Cargo Trailers Coming to Australia

Melbourne based Dutch Cargo Bike will distribute Carla Cargo’s heavy-duty cargo trailers to commercial customers. Based in Germany, Carla Cargo was founded in 2018 and is now exporting its trailers across the UK, Europe and USA. The trailers have their own electric drive system and can handle loads of 150kg in trailer mode and 200kg…

Vittoria Tyres Sold After 30 Years of Growth

The owners of Vittoria Group, including founder and president Rudie Campagne, have sold their global bicycle tyre business to Wise Equity, an Italian group.  Campagne, who is 76, will retire this month. Wise Equity partner Stijn Vriends is being named president and CEO. Campagne bought the Italian company Vittoria Spa in 1990, when it was…

Australian Bicycle Imports Down in April, Up in May

Bicycle imports dropped to a near record low of 38,367 units for the month of April 2020. This will almost certainly prove to be the calm before the storm. As we now know, bike sales at most bicycle retailers started booming from late March, but due to the lead time in ordering more bikes from…

How Well Do You Manage Your Time?

No matter how wealthy or successful we become, we cannot buy any more hours in the day. We all have exactly the same 24 hours per day, seven days per week and 52 weeks per year. So why is it that some people seem to achieve so much more in a year than others? In…

All Bike Industry Members Urged to Share New Cycling Campaign Ads

Australia’s peak cycling advocacy group, We Ride Australia has just launched a new animated cartoon campaign to urge local councils to improve cycling infrastructure so more people can walk and ride during and post coronavirus. You can see the new campaign series here: Full version: 30 second version: 15 second version: Bicycle…

P&A Wholesalers Share Their Experiences and Predictions Regarding Covid-19 Disruption

We’re now rolling into the fifth month since Covid-19 began turning the bicycle industry, and the world more generally, on its head. Last month we asked leading complete bicycle wholesalers for their stories and predictions. This month it’s the specialist P&A wholesalers’ turn. Of course in reality, with a few exceptions, wholesalers don’t exclusively sell…

How’s Business – July 2020

Welcome to our monthly survey of six bike shops across Australia and New Zealand where we start by simply asking, ‘How’s Business?’ Our follow up question for this month was, ‘What product categories are currently out of stock both in your shop and with your suppliers?’ Darryn Giles from Chain Reaction Christchurch, New Zealand said:…

Google Trends Shows Cycling Search Surge

Our new age of big data may send shivers down this spines of many civil libertarians, but it also reveals fascinating insights that were previously hidden. Using Google Trends software, we looked at the relative number of searches from within Australia for the three biggest bike brands over the past year, followed by four bicycle…