All Bike Industry Members Urged to Share New Cycling Campaign Ads

Australia’s peak cycling advocacy group, We Ride Australia has just launched a new animated cartoon campaign to urge local councils to improve cycling infrastructure so more people can walk and ride during and post coronavirus.
You can see the new campaign series here:
Full version:
30 second version:
15 second version:
Bicycle industry members are encouraged to share all or any of the three advertisements via their websites and social media.
The Let’s Keep Moving campaign centres around an animation, which highlights how we have changed our travel habits during the coronavirus pandemic and how the community has benefitted as families and individuals walk, scoot or ride in their local neighbourhoods.
We Ride’s Stephen Hodge said these healthy habits could dwindle as work, school and other
activities return unless walking and cycling infrastructure changes are made.
“Transport data from around Australia has clearly shown significant increases in walking and cycling during COVID-19 across our towns and cities nationwide, which is really positive to see,” Stephen said.
“But without the appropriate, connected paths that allow people to continue to walk and ride when they return to work, fears about virus infection will create greater congestion on the road as people avoid public transport and take their cars instead.”
“This is our chance to reset what is ‘normal’ and create healthier and more liveable cities and
communities that provide safe and connected active travel networks, especially now as commuters think about how they move in a world where we live with coronavirus.”
The Let’s Keep Moving campaign is supported by VicHealth, Heart Foundation, Victoria Walks and Bicycle Network.
Councils are responsible for local paths and 8 in 10 roads in Australia and decisions to invest federal stimulus funding to improve local infrastructure will facilitate walking and cycling by the entire community.