Six New ‘Temporary’ Cycleways for Sydney

On Monday 18th May the NSW Minister for Roads and Transport Andrew Constance and the Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore jointly announced a number of temporary initiatives across the city to give people more options to safely walk, cycle and commute to work.
These include six new pop up cycleways in key commuter areas across the city and new temporary safe speed limits to promote walking and cycling.
“As the economy starts to open up again we face some real challenges in ensuring people can remain safe while still getting to and from work,” Mr Constance said.
“We are already seeing our public transport system at capacity during peak periods with the need to physical distance and we want to offer the community more options to make their journeys safer.
“We’ve been working closely with City of Sydney Council to identify key public spaces that could be freed up for cycling paths and prioritising pedestrians and cyclists to ensure safety.”
You can see more details of the initial six routes on the Transport for NSW website here and a map on the City of Sydney website here.
Ms Moore said the NSW Government and the City were also considering plans to deliver temporary cycleways on Oxford St in Paddington/Darlinghurst, King St, College St and Castlereagh St in the CBD, and King St in Newtown.
“Across the world, cities are creating more space for people where it is needed to enable safe physical distancing,” she said.
The NSW government is providing an additional $3,680,000 to create the six temporary cycleways.