The Latz Report is provided thanks to the generosity of our Premium Subscribers:

Gold Premium Subscribers

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Premium Subscribers receive the following benefits:

  1. You’ll receive the monthly Latz Report Newsletter two weeks earlier than standard subscribers.
  2. You’ll receive a range of acknowledgements depending upon your level of premium subscription.
  3. You’ll receive a discount on all advertising, depending on your level of premium subscription.

Additional Benefits and Pricing:

Bronze Premium Subscriber


Recommended for Small Businesses with 1 - 3 staff.

  • All monthly The Latz Report newsletters sent two weeks earlier than non-paid subscribers
  • Occasional exclusive content and offers
  • Bronze level acknowledgement in our subscriber thanks page on The Latz Report website
  • A listing acknowledging your support in The Latz Report YearBook
  • Individual subscriptions for up to 3 staff or commission agents that you nominate

Silver Premium Subscriber


Recommended for Medium Businesses with 4 - 10 staff.

  • All monthly The Latz Report newsletters sent two weeks earlier than non-paid subscribers
  • Occasional exclusive content and offers
  • Silver level acknowledgement in the subscriber thanks page on The Latz Report website
  • A second tier tile acknowledging your subscription, to be published in The Latz Report YearBook
  • 5% discount off any advertising across everything we offer across The Latz Report and Micromobility Report including both YearBooks
  • Individual subscriptions for up to 10 staff or commission agents that you nominate

Gold Premium Subscriber


Recommended for Large Businesses with 11 staff and over.

  • All monthly The Latz Report newsletters sent two weeks earlier than non-paid subscribers
  • Occasional exclusive content and offers
  • Gold level acknowledgement in our new subscriber thanks page on The Latz Report website
  • A top tier tile acknowledging your subscription to be published in The Latz Report YearBook – both print and online editions
  • 10% discount off any advertising across everything we offer across The Latz Report and Micromobility Report including both YearBooks
  • Exclusive for Gold Premium Subscribers only, acknowledgement on our home page, which receives over 12,000 visitors per month, including your company name being hyperlinked to your website
  • Individual subscriptions for unlimited number of staff or commission agents that you nominate