Huge Interest in the Stratospheric Top End of Handmade Market

Above view shot of opening night at the annual Handmade Bicycle Show Australia

Williamstown, Victoria If you added up the production of every hand maker of bicycles in Australia it would probably still only amount to a fraction of 1% of the total Australian bicycle market, by volume. But that doesn’t stop people coming in their thousands to see the annual Handmade Bicycle Show Australia (HBSA). They come…

Passion on Display at Handmade Bicycle Show

The Handmade Bicycle Show

Williamstown, Victoria Flowing from the Covid pandemic and resultant international trade disruptions have been calls for more products to be made in Australia. When it comes to bicycles and related parts and accessories, the vast majority of products are imported, but what our local manufacturers lack in scale, they make up for with passion and…

P&A Wholesalers Share Their Experiences and Predictions Regarding Covid-19 Disruption

We’re now rolling into the fifth month since Covid-19 began turning the bicycle industry, and the world more generally, on its head. Last month we asked leading complete bicycle wholesalers for their stories and predictions. This month it’s the specialist P&A wholesalers’ turn. Of course in reality, with a few exceptions, wholesalers don’t exclusively sell…

Seven Wholesalers Share Their Personal Impacts of Covid-19

On Thursday 9th April we sent a six question survey out to a range of wholesalers throughout Australia. We stated up front that anything they wrote could be published and that we also required their personal and company name. This last requirement in particular may have deterred some from responding, so we’d particularly like to…