Your Job Ad Here!

List your Job Vacancy advertisements to over 2000^ trade subscribers.
We know from past experience that many bike industry members are frustrated when they advertise for staff via the ‘category killer’ Seek.
Sure, they get dozens, even hundreds of applicants, but the vast majority don’t have any relevant bike industry experience and only take up the bike business owner’s valuable time to process.
If you advertise through The Latz Report Classifieds, you’ll almost certainly get a far lower number of applications than through Seek – that’s a good thing! Because The Latz Report only caters to bike industry members, this smaller number of respondents will be bike industry insiders with relevant experience, meaning less chaff that you have to sift through.
You can also advertise to buy or sell a business or other business assets via our classifieds.
Refer to our Media Kit for the latest cost for Classified Ad prices.
Your ad will be listed in Classifieds page of our website and also run in the first available monthly newsletter for as long as required to fill the job vacancy, up to a maximum of six months. If you want to continue beyond that time, you can renew your advertisement for a further period.
Classified ads include your company logo and one image within the advertisement post and up to 300 words in details. All advertisements are listed by newest date order first.

For more information, refer to the Advertising area of our website or use the form below to send a message to our Ad Sales Manager.
^ As at 14 November 2019, the Latz Report has 2090 subscribers.