Here’s Why Globber Will Scoot Out of Your Store!

– Sponsored Content – The award winning Globber Primo series of scooters has long been a favourite with parents and kids alike. Designed for kids from three to six years, up to 50kgs, this three-wheel scooter range is packed with functionality and French style. A patented steering lock button fixes the front wheels to only…

This TV Advertisement Was Banned!

Take a look at this TV advertisement for a new bicycle and decide for yourself if it was sufficiently offensive to be banned from TV. That’s exactly what happened when the Autorité de Régulation Professionnelle de la Publicité (ARPP) ruled that the film cannot be broadcast in France because it creates ‘a climate of anxiety’…

Cassons Comment Upon Their Stock Availability

Last month we ran this article in which we asked Australia’s leading P&A wholesalers to comment about disruptions to their stock supplies and other business impacts due to Covid-19. Given that stock shortages have been such a major issue, we were not surprised to see that it was our most popular article in last month’s…

Cannondale and GT to End Model Year System

As every dealer knows, most of the world’s bicycle brands have for many years operated on a model year system. The theoretical upside of this system is to drive consumer demand through a desire to own the current year model. But the reality is that most models don’t really change that much from one year…

Former Shimano President Yoshizo Shimano Dies

Yoshizo Shimano, third son of company founder Shozaburo Shimano has died at the age of 85. After earning his economics degree from Keio University in Tokyo, he briefly worked at an automobile sales company before joining Shimano Industrial Co., Ltd., now Shimano Inc. He established the company’s first overseas operation, Shimano American Corporation in New…

Have You Used Your 2020 Yearbook Yet?

What do you do when you’re looking for a source of supply for a particular brand or product category? Since 1996 most bicycling trade members have relied upon the Yearbook to tell them who is supplying every brand and product type. Just in case you missed it, last month we launched The Latz Report Yearbook…

BikeSportz Picks up Alpinestars

BikeSportz is broadening its product portfolio with the well known brand Alpinestars that’s most closely associated with MTB. From 9th July 2020 onwards, Alpinestars cycling apparel and protective gear is available for dealer orders in Australia. Kahill Teirney, Alpinestars Australian Brand Manager said, “Designed to perform on epic mountain adventures and local bike trails, Alpinestars…

Mavic Secures a New Owner

Having gone into receivership in May and gone through the courts to find new backers, no less than 15 different parties expressed interest in purchasing this iconic French company. On On 22nd July the new owner was announced by the court. Mavic is now owned by the Bourrelier Group, a French investment firm. According to…

European Cargo Bike Sales Growing at Over 50% Per Year

Results of a comprehensive European Union funded survey into the cargo bike industry’s sales suggest that sales across Europe are likely to increase by just over 50% this year. The ‘CityChangerCargoBike’ project undertook the inaugural study of 38 brands operating in the sector who provided anonymised data. Here is a summary of European cargo bike…

Let’s Seize This Golden Opportunity!

Clearly we’ve seen a global tragedy unfold over the first half of 2020. At the time of writing this (23rd July 2020) we’ve seen over 15 million Covid-19 cases leading to over 624,000 deaths worldwide, according to official figures, with actual numbers likely to be much higher. Meanwhile Australia is battling the much feared ‘second…