New Federal Legislation Appears to Ban Throttle Powered Ebikes

Ebikes legally ridden in Australia have until now had to confirm with one of two standards which could be broadly summarised as 250 watt ‘pedalec’ or 200 watt throttle.
Most bikes sold by dealers conform with the 250 watt pedalec standard, also often referred to as the European standard. But there are many bikes sold under the 200 watt throttle standard, particularly lower priced bikes and those often best suited to older riders or riders with a disability who might not be able to pedal easily or for an entire journey.
Buried within a somewhat dry and technical federal government document released on Monday 11th January are amendments to legislation that appear to ban 200 watt throttle controlled ebikes.
You can see the complete document on the Australian Government website here.
It is entitled: Motor Vehicle Standards (Road Vehicles) Amendment Determination (No. 1) 2021
The legislation also updates the definitions of Personal Mobility Devices (PMD’s) which include e-scooters and e-skateboards and the definition of mobility scooters.