Eight Ways to Build the Bicycle Community During COVID-19

- Create and share video content to help people get out and ride (e.g., how to change a flat; basic maintenance, keeping tires inflated, etc.)
- Host virtual happy hours to bring people who love bicycling together (Google hangouts, Skype, GoToMeeting, Zoom, etc.); consider a topic of the day
- Share a daily video featuring products and/or apparel that keep people excited about riding (and buying).
- Use Ride Spot to encourage people to ride and share their experiences – offer prizes for the best ride stories (to be redeemed online or later).
- Share short clips of local/national celebrities sharing tips for how bike riding can help us stay healthy and happy during this period of social distancing.
- Proactively share trail reports and best places to ride. Share a ‘ride of the day’.
- Offer a delivery service and/or pick-up and drop-off outside your store.
- Ask an expert – give customers a chance to text/tweet questions and provide expert answers on live video (e.g., shop experts, pro athletes, etc.)
This information was first published by the NPD Group in the People for Bikes (USA) newsletter