Dirt Works Co-Founder Goes Bush!

Yarralin, NT
Dirt Works co-founder Wayne Chapman just let us know that he and his wife Kyria are moving to one of the most remote corners of Australia
Yarralin, in the Northern Territory is five hours’ drive from the nearest towns, Katherine NT to the east and Kunanarra, WA to the west.
Kyria has always had a strong interest in indigenous education and has accepted a teaching role in the school of this small community, that has a total population of just under 300 people.
From a Dirt Works dealers’ point of view, Wayne was keen to emphasise that nothing will change. Thanks to satellite internet technology, he plans to continue his long-time phone sales and customer support role.

Wayne has long had a keen interest in the outback and four wheel driving, so he’ll now have plenty of both, literally at his doorstep. They’ll be travelling during the second half of January 2024 and he plans to be set up and back on the Dirt Works phones by early February. While his is travelling, Richard, his partner at Dirt Works, will be covering the phones.
He also said that Yarralin has a community cycling program running for the local kids which is having a very positive impact on their school attendance and education.
You can see a link to a lovely TV news story about their bike program here.