Sneak Peak! Inside Bikecorp’s Brand New HQ

Bikecorp HQ Exterior

For decades Bikecorp has been one of Australia’s leading wholesalers, mainly focusing upon P&A. But throughout this time it would be fair to say that the succession of larger premises they’ve occupied have been ‘no frills’, to put it politely. This is about to change dramatically as Bikecorp are just about to be handed the…

Trek Australia Buys WA’s Top Retailer, Expands in NSW

TBE Belmont

Trek Australia have purchased Western Australia’s largest specialist bicycle retailer, The Bicycle Entrepreneur (TBE). TBE started as a single shop in the Perth suburb of Belmont in 1983 and steadily grew to six locations, all in Perth, including an online store and a central warehouse / mechanical servicing department. TBE is already a Trek dealer,…

More Than Just Handmade Bikes at HBSA 2021

Seaworks Handmade Bicycle Show 2021

As the name suggests, the stars of the Handmade Bicycle Show Australia (HBSA) are the frame builders who craft works of art that people can ride every day. But a growing contingent of other exhibitors also take the opportunity to show their wares to a keen public audience, sprinkled with quite a few bicycle shop…

Will Lug & Carrie Help or Hinder IBD’s?

Lug & Carrie eBikes

There’s a new bike business in town that operates with a significantly different business model to traditional bike shops. Lug & Carrie customers don’t buy their bikes, they subscribe. In return for a weekly subscription, they get a new fully assembled ebike delivered to their home by a trained staff member, plus some initial training…

How’s Business? June 2021

How's Business - June 2021

Welcome to our monthly chat with a widely varied selection of bicycle shop owners and managers spread throughout Australia and New Zealand. Both from these conversations and many other conversations and visits we’ve been making since our previous monthly newsletter, it appears that, for now at least, the bicycle stock shortage has been easing. But…

Adelaide City Bike Shop Closes

Megabike Store

Claude Altin has run bike shops under the name of Megabike in a succession of Adelaide locations for many years. Recently he decided to retire and close Megabike which in its final location has been in Rundle Street, the main shopping street in the city centre of Adelaide. Their last day’s trading was Saturday 15th…

Is Wiggle About to be Sold?

Wiggle Chain Reaction Cycles Logo

There is more money than ever looking to purchase bicycle industry companies and, following the recent sale of Canyon, it appears that Wiggle, the global mail order company that does significant business in Australia, might be next. Financial media giant Bloomberg has reported that Wiggle could be in the sights of acquisition specialists as part…

First Look Outside Melbourne’s Newest Bike Shop

Glow Worm Melbourne

On Monday 24th May, Melbourne’s newest bike shop opened its doors for the first time. Glow Worm Electric Bikes Melbourne is a sister shop to the long established Glow Worm Electric Bikes in Sydney which was founded in Marrickville in 2009. The new Melbourne store is also in an inner-city location at 1/73-77 Wellington Street,…

Letter to the Editor

Letter to The Editor

I Don’t Think These Baby Seats Are Safe. 15 years ago Amazon would not support products that didn’t meet the safety standards. Wind forward 10 years and Amazon will stock any product and remove themselves from any responsibility saying it is not their role to police the plethora of clearly unsafe seats appearing on their…

Brompton Australia Struggling to Meet Surging Demand

Martin Tse at Brompton Warehouse

Many Australian bicycle dealers dismiss the ‘funny looking little folding bikes’ from Brompton as something of a novelty. But they may be surprised to learn that Brompton now employs over 300 staff. They were already making 50,000 bikes per year pre-covid, all in London, UK and they’re aiming to reach 100,000 per annum production within…