Pro4mance – All Aussie Sports Nutrition

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Disenchanted by the options available in the sports nutrition market, a small group of Aussie athletes and dieticians decided to take matters into their own hands by developing a complete line of Australian made products.
Produced in a state-of-the-art Melbourne-based facility, Pro4mance aims to deliver great flavours in a range that’s easy to use and understand. Importantly, the formulas and ingredients used by Pro4mance are developed and backed by scientific research.
Additionally, the entire range is tested to ensure it complies with World Anti Doping Agency guidelines and no ingredients are on the banned supplements list.
To keep things simple, the range is divided into three categories; ‘Prodrate’ is for pre-exercise, ‘Produrance’ is formulated to meet the nutritional needs during exercise and ‘Procover’ is their post-exercise range.
Prodrate is a low-calorie, high electrolyte drink that was developed to maximise hydration without consuming massive amounts of water.
According to Pro4mance, Prodrate is formulated to improve intra and extra cellular absorption of fluids. It permits efficient hydration without bloating or poorly timed nature breaks. Prodrate comes in powder form with a 200g tub retailing for $30. Flavour options include berry and lemon-lime.

The Produrance line includes bars, gels and a drink. All are formulated with an optimal 2:1 ratio of glucose to fructose, which maximises carbohydrate absorption during exercise.
In addition to supplying carbohydrates, Produrance products also replenish the electrolytes and prevent dehydration during sustained intensive exercise. A 1kg tub of Produrance drink retails for $25, a box of 16 gels retails for $30 and a 10-pack of the bars sells for $25.
Procover is an endurance specific recovery drink that’s backed by a research proven formula. It aims to quickly replenish carbohydrate stores as well as provide rapid rehydration.
Procover also replaces intramuscular and liver glycogen stores to limit post-endurance muscle damage. Procover is offered in two sizes; a 750g tub for $30 or 1.5kg for $55. Flavour options are chocolate or vanilla.
All Pro4mance products are backed by simple, easy to follow directions to guide the user towards optimal nutrition; everything from the concentration to the frequency of consumption is covered.

Pro4mance has a strong social media presence with over 500,000 active followers. Their website is also chock-full of helpful information, covering topics such as cramp prevention, nutrition plans and even recipes.
Pro4mance also sponsors over 250 athletes, putting back into the Australian triathlon and cycling scene.
Get in touch with Pro4mance to discover more: