Army Trialling e-Bikes for Rapid Reconnaissance

High-speed e-bikes could soon become part of the Australian Army’s tactical arsenal, following an ongoing trial of Stealth reconnaissance bikes.
Victorian e-bike manufacturer Stealth is working with the 2nd/14th Light Horse Regiment to test the bikes’ capacity to help soldiers quickly and quietly scout for information on a battlefield.
An initial army report states the bikes, which have a top speed of 90km/h and range of 100km, have “improved the regiment’s capability to scout for information while remaining under the detection threshold”.
The bikes can be deployed swiftly and have advantages over motorbikes, according to Corporal Thomas Ovey, one of the first soldiers to test the bikes.
“The (e-bikes’) footprint is minimised due to less power, less noise, and you’re not kicking up much dust that could be seen by enemy forces,” he said.
“It’s much more effective than a standard motorbike.”
Corporal Ovey said the e-bike also brought some unexpected work benefits.
“We all join the Army to find a little bit of excitement,” he said.
“This is one of those things about the job that’s exciting, fun and awesome.”
A report on the trial is expected by the end of the year.