Last Legs for Cannibal

Tweed Heads, NSW
NSW Far North Coast cycling and triathlon apparel manufacturer Cannibal Australia is winding up its operations after 33 years in the industry.
Founder and CEO Glenn Forbes announced last month he had made a sudden decision to wrap up the company, attributing the decision to the overwhelming presence of ‘social media brands’ and a personal wake-up call.
“The significance of what I’ve been doing for 33 years has been overshadowed by the social media phenomenon,” he said.
“These days social media brands can just write their own bio and promote it and people think you have credibility. I’m too busy to chase those votes and people’s emotions. There wouldn’t be many weeks I’ve done under 60 hours and there were years of doing more than 70 or 80.
“We were going really well up until the last eight years, with the further rise of social media. People wanted something new and to read something positive. They really prided themselves on finding things for a cheaper price, without a real understanding of quality and how items are produced.
“We’re at our peak of our game, our fits are better than any time we’ve been in business.
“Social media brands like Black Sheep and Wind Republic did well during COVID because they have minimal overheads. It costs us three times more to produce garments. People say that’s your decision to produce here but they don’t understand why we do it. It just not worth having the discussion.
“We’re on the Queensland border and the past couple of years have been so hard. I lost staff I’ve had for years” said Glenn, referring to COVID border restrictions that impeded staff who lived in Queensland and worked in NSW.
“Manufacturing is getting harder in Australia and I lost a really good friend recently, which triggered me. Seeing how he lived life, making the most of every breath then dying at 43 of sarcoma, was a real wake-up call for me.
“I’m more sad about him than I am about closing my business.
“I still love coming into work but my wife is right, how much is enough. I’ve sacrificed a fair bit and I need to open my mind to explore a few things.”
At 63 years of age, Glenn says he has no regrets about the business decisions he has made – apart from failing to find a way to clone himself.
“I’m not one bit sad. I’ve given it my best shot but manufacturing in Australia has always been my number one goal. I didn’t want to use poor people to make my clothes.
“With all these brands who get their garments made overseas, their ‘made in China’ wording on their labelling should be the same size as their ‘proudly designed in Australia’.
“Growing up on a farm I was well aware of climate. My brand has been amazing with carbon footprint.”
Glenn sees a lot of greenwashing among many ‘social media’ brands, particularly promotion of recycled products. Instead, he pins his environmentally friendly business on localised production and manufacturing a high-quality product that will last 10 years.
“I look back and I know I’ve had a good life. The company could have been much bigger if I’d moved to the city and gone to China 25 years ago when the opportunities arose but I stuck by what I think is integrity.
“I think I’ve done good by the planet by not manufacturing offshore. I am proud on keeping true to myself and staying ‘made in Australia’.
“I honestly think we are one of the greenest cycling/triathlon companies in the world.”
Cannibal is still busy satisfying a number of larger orders and had another 35 orders come in on Friday alone.
“We’re selling all our products at 33% off by jumping on our website and typing in the code GAPYEAR33. I have fabrics to sell and I have equipment on the market,” he added.
“I even bought an automatic cutting machine built in Australia. I live by the sword and die by the sword, and believe in what I preach.
“By the middle of August I’d like to be out of here completely.”
He then plans to head to Canada for eight weeks.
“I just want to go snowboarding and breathe the mountain air and reflect on what I’ve done,” he said.
“And we have a little farm at Currumbin Valley, so I’ll always be occupied.
“I’ve had interest to sell Cannibal but it would need to be in the right hands. It’s like selling your kids.
“It’s such a good brand and there’s things in the pipeline. Cannibal might end up going straight to snowboarding. It would be a perfect brand for the snow industry.”
Glenn was so helpful for me in my years as a triathlete the best tri gear around thanks so much and the best thing all made in our Country… you get what you pay for
Never a truer word spoken Glenn. I admire your decision to walk away & I can see your reasoning. Enjoy the next chapter & take life in. Your passion made your success. 33 years of great stories! That story of that big trophy out the back was a cracker!
Good job Forbesy, hope you still come to the event expos, you are the main entertainment
Sorry to hear that Glen. I have always been a stalwart for your brand as my own shop clothing for many years. Like you, I had closed my shop because the internet and social media have caused a lot of people to buy the cheapest, thinking they are still getting quality. I wish you well in your future endeavours. Regards Tony, Laurieton Cycles.
Hi Glen, great innings. I think we go back nearly 30 years. I sympathise with your comments about manufacturing in Australia. Some industries are definitely at a disadvantage with Asian facilities and product.
Take care and congratulations. One piece of advice don’t stop dreaming and getting involved in something everyday.
Peter Teschner
Much respect Forbesy! congrats on your career
Your a champion Glenn, how true are your comments regards social media and online buying . No such thing as bad equipment, only bad choices. This rings true with your quality garments compared to the land fill rubbish that is too often available in store and online. Have a well earnt break and move on into your next phase with the knowledge that you have remained steadfast and true to yourself through out your business life. Regards Peter Keast
Aus cycling community will be poorer for not investing in such a iconic product, great article & accurate view from Glen.
A true legend of the industry achieved so much. I am sure we will see you around Forbesy!
Great article Scott thanks Forbsey some of my favourite gear was yours, they’ll miss you mate
Good innings Forbesy!! Always loved the passion and the emotion you brought to the industry and your brand. Enjoy the new life!! You deserve it..