COVID Assistance for Businesses and Individuals

Canberra ACT
The challenges of operating a business in a world grappling with COVID have spilled into a new year.
Fortunately, pandemic assistance is available to businesses and individuals in most states of Australia.
For individuals, most states and territories have ongoing individual support packages for people who are positive with COVID and unable to receive leave entitlements or have to be tested and isolate.
Similarly, Federal Pandemic Leave Disaster Payments are available to individuals with COVID who cannot access leave payments or have exhausted their leave entitlements.
Assistance for Businesses
Various forms of assistance are available for businesses, including ongoing small business fees and charges rebates or discounts in most states and territories.
In addition, most states still have ongoing landlord relief support payments for landlords who have reduced rent for commercial tenants. It could be worth talking to your landlord to discuss options.
The Federal Government has extended its SME Recovery Loan Scheme, for small and medium-sized businesses, by another six months to 30 June 2022.