August Import Data Shows the Depth of the Bike Shortage

Bicycle import numbers for August 2020 have now been released and they underline the relative inflexibility of the global bicycle supply chain. Only 122,581 bicycles were imported into Australia in August. This is up slightly on last year when 114,484 bikes were imported, but down on every other August for the previous decade, all the…

Bicycles Ride Into Federal Parliament

On 8th October, Australia’s peak cycling advocacy group, We Ride Australia, announced the establishment of Parliamentary Friends of Cycling – the culmination of more than a decade of federal advocacy by We Ride. The Friendship group marks a coming of age for bicycle riding in federal Parliamentary circles. An initiative of We Ride Australia’s Stephen…

Eurobike Postponed… Again! Plus Other Expo Updates

Eurobike, arguably the world’s leading bicycle trade show, has been postponed for a second time. The show is traditionally held during late August/early September, but postponed until 24th to 26th November in the hope of allowing time for Covid to recede. Unfortunately, things are now getting even worse in Europe and it was inevitable that…

Supacaz Goes Dealer Direct

Parts and accessories brand Supacaz recently announced that it was going dealer direct in Australia. Supacaz was founded in 2012 by Anthony Sinyard in Laguna Beach, California. They are the sponsors of 3x world champion Peter Sagan and current world champion Julian Alaphilippe. Their product range includes pedals, locks, bottle cages, bar tape, gloves and…

New Electric Vehicles Importer Secures National Distribution

On 30th September 2020 e-Motion Concepts (eMC) and Ride Sports announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding for exclusive rights for distribution, sales and servicing of eMC’s EMoS branded electric vehicles for Australia and New Zealand by Ride Sports. Ride Sports is a Brisbane based company that has been a major supplier of electric…

Brisbane CBD To Install Separated Bike Lane Trial Immediately

Over the past decade the Brisbane City Council has spent more money on cycling infrastructure than possibly any other local government in Australia. But this is not so impressive as it might sound for two key reasons. Firstly, at over 1.2 million residents, it has by far the greatest population of any Australian local government…

Bianchi to Take Over From Scott as Bike Sponsor for GreenEdge Cycling

After nine years of continuous involvement since the team’s inception, Scott will no longer be the bike sponsor of Australia’s only UCI WorldTour team, GreenEdge Cycling. In a media announcement on Monday 19th October it was announced that Bianchi would be taking over from Scott for the 2021 season and beyond. Fabrizio Scalzotto,  CEO of…

Financial Statements Demystified

Business Coaching: Series Two - Financial Statements Demystified

As the business owner, you don’t need to do the books yourself, or even understand the finer details. But it’s vital that you understand the basics. If you’re a business owner that has survived for any length of time then you’ve proven that you have a gut feel for the key numbers that drive your…

Maximise Your Profit

Business Coaching: Series Two - Maximise Your Profit

What is the primary aim of your business? It should be to maximise profit!All the other great things you’d like to achieve through your business won’t happen unless your business becomes sustainably profitable. You can argue all you like about Silicon Valley start-ups where it seems to be all about growth and market share with…

How’s Business? – October 2020

Welcome to our monthly chat with bike shop owners across Australia and New Zealand. Unfortunately, stock shortages continued to dominate the dealers’ concerns and comments. This month our follow up question was, “How do you see this new season going and have you made any changes to your usual new model year bike orders?” Steve…