Social Media and Public Relations

Do As I Say, Not As I Do!
This video is confession time. You’ll hear personal confessions of failings in our own business, both related to Social Media and Public Relations. But from every mistake, we learn… right?
If you’re wondering how to efficiently create good social media content this video will give you some good ideas.
In the second part of this video, we move onto public relations. The media landscape has been revolutionised over the past two decades. There are now more journalists working in public relations now than for media organisations.
Because media organisations are so strapped for cash these days, much of their content is fed to them by public relations agencies. Therefore, using a public relations agency can be a cost-effective way of marketing for even quite small businesses, particularly when you’re coming up to a milestone event such as a birthday sale, moving premises, opening in a new location or many more possibilities.
In keeping with our confession theme, we’ll finish this video with a case study of when we had brilliant success using public relations, then snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.
Please learn from our mistakes!