What Will The Latz Report Do For You?

Welcome to the brand new Latz Report!
The Latz Report will serve Australia’s bicycle industry by providing timely, accurate and relevant information. My goal is to help Australia’s bicycle industry become more profitable.
If I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting you previously, here’s a brief introduction. I’ve had 47 years involvement in cycling so far, since starting racing at the age of 10. In 1989 my wife and I founded Bicycling Australia, initially with one magazine, then over the years adding Mountain Biking Australia, Bicycling Yearbook, Bicycling Trade, the Bicycling Australia Show, Where to Ride cycling guidebooks and a range of other events and products.
When it became obvious that our kids didn’t want to take over the business, in 2014 after 25 years it was time to sell, with the magazine and web side of the business being purchased by Yaffa Media who continue to run several of the magazines and websites to this day.
I continued to edit the Bicycling Trade newsletter until July 2017. Not long after I left, Yaffa Media chose to discontinue the newsletter, which was a perfectly rational business decision. But it meant that for the past two years there has been no regular media service for Australia’s bicycle trade. I strongly believe that having a reliable, neutral source of information is important for our industry. So although it will be a ‘micro business’ from the financial perspective, I’m looking forward to getting ‘back on the bike’, as the old timers like to say and compiling The Latz Report.
This will start with a monthly newsletter, which will link to our website www.thelatzreport.com.au . I’m planning to add a Facebook Page, YouTube channel, LinkedIn and Instagram pages, but no print magazines.
I’d love to hear from you, whether through a letter to the editor, comment at the end of an article or a call or email. Thanks for your proactive support!

Phil Latz
Founder, The Latz Report