Bike Society New Store Details Revealed

Back in September we ran this story about leading South Australian Retailer Bike Society who was looking to relocate their Blair Athol store.
At the time, owner Mark Birkdale was not ready to reveal the full details of what he was planning.
Now it has been confirmed via the Bike Society website that they’re not only closing their Blair Athol store but also their store on the corner of Anzac Highway and South Road, Everard Park.
Both stores will be closing Christmas Eve. In early January their new Bike Society store will be opening at 274 Waymouth St within the city centre of Adelaide.
The new store is on the corner of Waymouth and Grey streets, close to West Terrace.
According to Real Commercial, the building, which has an area of 551 square metres, air conditioning, rear lane access and rear car parking, was leased on 23rd October 2019.
This north western corner of the city centre has seen a boom in high density residential apartment construction since Adelaide’s major hospital, relocated to a new premises three blocks north of the new Bike Society site at a cost of $1.8 billion. There is also an expanded University of South Australia campus, two blocks to the north.
Meanwhile Bike Society’s Brighton store will continue unchanged.