Announcing Five New Initiatives For You, Our Latz Report Community

It’s hard to believe that we’re rapidly approaching the first anniversary since creating The Latz Report.
Thanks to feedback from our community, here are five new initiatives that we’re pleased to announce.
- The Yearbook is going back into print!
In April 2021, we’ll be doing the next edition of The Latz Report Yearbook. We’ll be adding a print version to the electronic versions, which will continue.
One copy of the print version will be mailed to every bike industry member business, free of charge. - We’re doubling our newsletter frequency.
Starting soon we’ll be increasing from monthly to twice monthly. The Latz Report newsletter will come out on the second and fourth Friday mornings of each month. This will let you see both articles and advertising that’s more up to date.
In recently months our newsletter has been getting far too long, so hopefully the increased frequency will also help us make each newsletter more easily digestible. - New Self Service Classifieds at Half Price!
Thanks to new automated uploading and payment software that we’re adding to The Latz Report, you’ll be able to post your own classified advertisements here for just $149* compared to the regular $299*. - Get yourself on YouTube!
We can now offer you sponsored webinars and other video services on The Latz Report YouTube Channel. - Introducing Schedule Discounts…
For anyone who is considering any form advertising in The Latz Report, and The Latz Report Yearbook, if you book a schedule at one time that covers the next six to 12 months you can save up to 30% and have the payments spread over even, monthly instalments.
You can find more details relating to all five of these announcements in our 2020/21 Media Kit.
*Prices exclude GST.