Google Search Data Suggests Growing Interest in Cycling as Virus Hits

Studying the frequency of Google search terms is an inexact science, but looking at the chart below, there appears to be a significant uptick in the number of Google searches for five key search terms over the past few days.
The chart below is looking at searches across all of Australia for the period 1st to 24th March. The five lines represent searches for the exact term ‘Mountain Bike’ (blue), ‘BMX Bike’ (brown), ‘Ebike’ (yellow), ‘Bike Shop’ (green) and ‘Road Bike’ (purple).
The number scale to the left is not the number of searches, but the relative index number of searches where the peak (Mountain Bike on approx 7th March) is given an index of 100.
You can see by the upturned lines to the right of the chart that all terms except Ebike have been trending upwards over the past few days.
Of course there’s no guarantee that more searches equals more sales, but it looks like a promising trend that we will continue to monitor.