October Midweek Dates Confirmed for 2023 Micromobility Conference

Sydney, NSW
Dates have been confirmed for this year’s Micromobility Conference, with a new delegate-friendly schedule that is midweek and earlier in the calendar.
The 2023 event will be held on 24th-25th October and will return to Sydney’s Royal Randwick Racecourse.
“It’s an important shift to mid-week dates to be more convenient for business and government representatives, who will be even more of a focus at this year’s conference,” the event’s founder, Phil Latz, said.
“We’re also happy to be moving exactly a month earlier than last year, to shift away from the busy Christmas period and other potentially conflicting events.
“We’ve succeeded in distancing the 2023 Micromobility Conference from other features on the event calendar that could be calling on the time and attention of members of our industry.”
Some exciting new conference partnerships will be announced in the coming weeks, building on the success of last year’s event in fostering valuable collaborations in Australia’s active transport industry, Phil said.
“Based on the lessons we learnt from the 2022 conference, we have a number of new features in the pipeline for this October, to maximise opportunity for presenters and to help delegates take in all the information on display,” he added.
“In addition, we will be calling for presenter abstracts in the next couple of weeks.
“Matching, or even stepping up from, the incredible array of presenters we had in 2022 will be no easy task. However, we’ve already been approached by a number of interested groups and individuals, laying a very promising foundation for our list of presenters in 2023.”
Keep an eye on the Micromobility Conference website for an announcement on abstracts and further updates about this year’s event.