Thanks for Your Support of Our New Online YearBook – Print Edition Coming!

Bicycle trade members have immediately embraced our electronic only format of The Latz Report YearBook 2020.
In since going live on Friday 3rd July, The YearBook immediately jumped to our number one page on The Latz Report, even outranking our home page and recording 951 views for the last 28 days of July.
Although the embrace of new technology has been gratifying, we’ve received consistent (and sometimes quite impassioned!) requests, from dealers for a print edition. We’re pleased to announce that we’ve scheduled a print edition for April 2021.
When this comes out we’ll still be offering an identical online version, so dealers will have the best of both worlds.
Meanwhile our total Latz Report website traffic from month to month has grown from approximately 2,500 views per month in March and April to 4,500 views per month in June and July.
We anticipate that our upcoming move from monthly to twice monthly newsletters will further boost this number. But keeping tightly focused upon serving our trade only audience will always be our core priority, so our absolute numbers will always remain much lower than consumer focused media. Our mission will always remain, ‘Serving Australia’s Bicycle Trade’.