Yearbook Correction – Yakima Australia.

In our 2024 Latz Report Yearbook, we made a complete mistake with the Listing of Yakima Australia.

Since being alerted to the problem by Yakima, we’ve corrected the online flipbook version of the Yearbook which you can access here.

But of course, we can’t change the print edition which has been mailed out to every bike industry member in Australia.

So please note that the listing on page 95 under Yakima Australia is actually a repeat of the listing below it for Zebra Sales and Marketing.

The correct details for Yakima Australia are:
17A Hinkler Court
Brendale Qld 4500
Phone 1800 143 548
Product Range: Car Racks
Companies Represented: Prorack, Whispbar, Yakima

We apologise for this mistake.


  1. Al on 21st June 2024 at 6:18 pm

    Strange to see this as I recently contacted you about the listings for Enduro being incorrect and was told it wouldn’t be changed online until the next print edition was released.
    Left me wondering why bother with a digital edition..

    • Phil Latz on 24th June 2024 at 2:09 pm

      The short answer is that we rely on the trade to provide the correct information at the time of publication. While we appreciate being advised of any changes, we don’t have the resources to make updates during the year because it’s free to be listed and copies are sent free of charge to every bike business. We produce a free digital copy as it provides a convenient alternative to the hard copy. Our current choice is to accept that some changes may occur across the 12-month period rather than charge for all listings and/or the hard copy and have the resources to update it. We feel that this choice means we deliver a more comprehensive Yearbook for the trade. With Yakima, it was our error, and it would have been unfair to the business not to correct it.

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