Bosch Pays A$1.345 million for a Domain Name

What’s in a name? Clearly a lot if that name is!
Robert Bosch GmbH, the huge multinational owner of Bosch eBike Systems, just paid US$1,008,900 (A$1,345,000) for the domain name
According to, the domain was previously owned by names company Legendary Names Inc, which bought it at an auction of expired domain names in February 2018 for ‘only’ US$71,938 (A$95,917). Therefore, the sale represented a capital growth of 1,400% in just over three years.
The sale to Bosch was brokered by Kate Buckley of Buckley Media Group.
She commented, “Developing the sales and marketing outreach on was a lot of fun. Particularly since others in the industry kept telling me it was too generic to sell for more than low six figures and that I was crazy for sticking to my guns at seven figures.
I believed in from the beginning—it is truly the future of mobility, and in the future will be worth eight figures, if not more. Bosch had the vision to understand this in spades, and were the perfect end-user for this valuable category-killer domain name. I look forward to seeing it put to its best and highest utility.” is way better than