Business Coaching Videos
Unique Selling Propositions and Guarantees
This episode of our Marketing series looks at two important strategies for marketing your business. Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) defines in a brief summary what benefits your customers will receive when they purchase your product or service. You can’t be all things to all people. You also need to stand out from your competition.…
Sponsorships and Community Engagement
‘Community Engagement’ is a sometimes misused buzzword. We define it as ‘a relational process that occurs at a local level.’ But it doesn’t just have to mean a local geographic level. You could be engaging with a community of people who have a common interest. They might even be a geographically dispersed community that meets…
Businesses are built upon good relationships, especially with your customers and suppliers. We’re relational beings. We enjoy interacting with others. At the core of any event is conversation and relationship building. Even though almost two years of covid disruption has massively disrupted all sorts of face to face events, it’s amazing how many events have…
Referrals and Reviews
Keep Front of Mind with Your Customers
Customer newsletters are hard work! Many business owners start writing newsletters with the best of intentions, but they peter out after a few months due to the sheer amount of time and thought they require. In this video, I share with you some keys to successfully building your mailing list and regularly sending out effective…
Why Your Website is Still Important
Although social media is more immediate for many of your customers and websites are almost old fashioned in comparison, there’s still an important place for a well-designed, user-friendly website for all but the smallest of businesses. Remember that you own and control your own website, whereas your Facebook page or your page on any other…
Social Media and Public Relations
Do As I Say, Not As I Do! This video is confession time. You’ll hear personal confessions of failings in our own business, both related to Social Media and Public Relations. But from every mistake, we learn… right? If you’re wondering how to efficiently create good social media content this video will give you some…
Team and Physical Presentation
Look the Part! Most business owners agree that their most important asset, central to the success of their business, is their team. So why do so many neglect the physical presentation of their team and business? In this episode, we’ll discuss what is appropriate for your team in terms of uniforms, name badges and more.…
Signage is Still Important! Signs are one of the oldest forms of advertising, dating back centuries. But they’re still important, even in today’s internet-driven economy. Signage is another key marketing platform where the larger, more sophisticated companies do it so much better than small, independent businesses. Your signage must not look cheap. It’s not just…
Where to Advertise
Today’s media landscape is more diverse than at any time in our history. That means that you have more options than ever to choose where you advertise. But which ones are right for you? In this episode, we’ll take you through all of the main options, divided into two groups: ‘new media’ and ‘old media’.…