Last Chance for You to Complete Vital Survey!

If you’re the owner or manager of an Australian bicycle retail store here is a unique opportunity for you to help our entire industry get a better understanding of the current status and challenges facing our industry.
Bicycle Industries Australia (BIA) is conducting a survey of Australian bike shops which will reveal a host of key data. Everything from average mark ups on bikes and P&A, the split between each income source including workshop, average employees per store, average wages and much more.
Because BIA has conducted this survey in previous years, they will also be able to share data about emerging trends.
All of your individual store data will remain completely confidential. Only aggregated data will be shared. The latest survey is already open and has had good support from retailers, but the more retailers who take part, the stronger and more statistically reliable are the results.
Because of the fairly detailed nature of the survey, you should allow 15 minutes to participate.
You can complete the survey via BIA’s Survey Monkey link here: