YearBook Listings Now Open For Updates

Wollongong, NSW
Updates are now open for the 2023 Latz Report YearBook and it’s more convenient than even for businesses to ensure their details are up to the moment.
We’ve been busy making our own updates – to the online registration process – so bike industry wholesalers and other relevant business can quickly review and refine their listings in the YearBook, which continues to be the go-to reference for the industry.
You have until 10th March update all your details. Any updates not completed by then will have to wait another year.
Bookings are also open for advertisements, for businesses keen to stand out even more in the YearBook. Advertising bookings must be submitted Friday 3rd March and the cut-off for advertising artwork is Friday 10th March. The 2023 Latz Report Yearbook should arrive in all industry members’ letterboxes by Friday 21st April.
Three Easy Steps to Update Your Listing:
Step 1: Please carefully check your existing details here using the Address List section (starts alphabetically from page 22): Click to view the 2022 YearBook.
Step 2: Login to our new Online YearBook Update Portal with your login details.
Step 3: Complete the steps in the Portal to complete your booking for your 2023 YearBook listing.

Full instructions on how to use this Online Portal can be downloaded here.
Anyone who has lost their login or has enquiries about updating or creating a new listing can contact Gary Wells on 0414 684 747 or
The Latz Report Yearbook is a free resource provided to all bicycle industry participants to assist everyone with easy access to accurate supplier information. We list any organisation that supplies goods or services to retailers or interacts with them in some bike industry related way.
Paid advertising options are also available to any supplier who wants to stand out and highlight their brand or product to retailers. You can download a copy of our Media Kit (PDF) to view all the options available or contact Ed Price, our Media Sales Manager to see how a tailored Advertising Schedule can meet your needs and budget.